I'M BACK!!! FINALLY. after a whole week of disappearance. if you guys didn't know. i had stomach flu for 4 days. and i really felt like dying. one of the days i was bed ridden. and because i don't have a laptop, i was forced to watch old cartoons on television all day. and in the process of being sick. i lost 3kg :(.. hais
but that doesn't matter, i'm back with my energy and i've lined up a few advertorials for you guys today! because i can't delay them no more! so sorry blogshop owners!! i would've done them last week if i wasn't so sick. my sincere apologies!!
so i guess i'll just start off with SASSYDREAM!
this is the second time i'm dvertising for SASSYDREAM and this time i received this really cute pair of skorts which i chose for advertorial! i thought i should choose something different for a change. and NO REGRETS. its too cute!! here's how i matched it!
*please TRY to ignore my horrible sunburns :(*

its so easy to match cus of its basic nude colour and its elastic banded so i don't have to worry about my skorts getting to tight after a meal neither do i have to worry about wearing uncomfortable safety shorts underneath since its skorts. which literally means shorts + skirt. LOL
but here are my other picks from their latest collection which was launched just yesterday!

like what you see? head over to SASSYDREAM now! and quote "ERICA30" and enjoy free normal postage! and also not forgetting that they're also having a sale!! and items are only going from $13-$20!
and up next, TRADINGPAST!
i was mailed the floral bustier which i wore above to match with skorts! and here are some clearer pictures :)

here are a few things i liked about the bustier! its padded, which means.. NO BRA NEEDED!! :'D and its stretchy, which means its so comfortable!! believe me, i'm one helluva "comfort first" person. and this one is great!
if you'd like to get one for yourself, you may find it in collection #25! but since collection #26 is out already, i'll share my picks for that collection :)

an awesome pre-order site!! to be honest, i love being sponsored by pre-order webs!!! because i always end up being so super spoilt for choice!! and from PXFX, i got this pair of leopard print loafers which i've worn countless times already!! even for my COLLECTION #10 shoot!

its such a versatile pair of shoes, no regrets choosing them. when i unwrapped my parcel i was literally like this meme

LOL ok, here are my other picks from the pre-order web!!

awesome items aye! i'm really attracted to that bone tank and leather vest.. so damn tempted to order them for myself right now!! but if you've already decided to order them for yourself already..
and last but not least, a store that i've started modelling for again!!
and my top picks for this collection,

this colelction is already outdated now, because i couldn't do the ad in time T_T but.. stay tuned and join their mailing list for future updates!
and before i go, don't forget that COLLECTION #10 has launched already!! and my favourites from this collection!

please note, the rainbow/ cloud shirt, cat print sweater and sequin clutches are ALL PENDING! backorder will be opened soon! :) also, a little giveaway for this collection!
and last but not least, awesome on-going preorders!!