hello all! so i'm finally back with a proper post! this few days, i've been heading out with nothing else cept for my iPhone to take photos. because i seriously see the huge potential in iPhone. hahaha plus, i recently got my iPhone fish eye lens! and it has been a joy to play with! such a fun little accessory
THANK YOU WHOEVER INVENTED IT. you are one smart ass. so here's how my life has been thru my iPhone! :)
this was last week right before i fell sick! i remember i kept complaining to my best friend about how weak i was feeling and i just didn't have any appetite. i just kept perspiring like a fool. LOL

and then the very next day, i was stuck in bed from morning till night :( and below is the view of my whole day. doing nothing but watching stupid tv shows!

and then i decided to try my nail foils, WHICH SUCKS SO BAD OMG. it didn't even last me more than 5 hours!! and its so hard to stick nicely! if you look carefully, the sides have like uneven folds. tsk.. removed it after taking this photo. online photos are such a scam...

and then the next day when my boyfriend came to visit me and surprised me with this awesome darth vader dust cap. omg so happy.. i'm very intrigued by the storm troopers and darth vader!!

and friday! when i got a little better! i couldn't bare to delay collection #10 no more. so i made the effort to head out to get it all done!!

and my new favourite ring which is too big for my skinny fingers :( btw, i really think this photo does so much justice to iphone's camera.

and on saturday, i attended my cousin's wedding! and also the day that instagram was down :( hahaha

and on sunday! when i accompanied my boyfriend to catch 2012 formula drift! and to be honest, i wasn't one bit excited for it. LOL but when we came out of the car i heard the noise the cars was making. i was a little bit excited to see. and when the event started i was pretty interested!! drifting really looks like 10x better real life. like "more kick" LOL. watching in videos all these time just made me "meh".. but honestly, i wouldn't mind going again. minus the sun tho. i have horrible sun burns and tan lines now :(

so yup. this pretty much sums up my weekend!! like the effects of the detachable fish eye lens?