hello!! i'm back from my weekend getaway and i'm here to do a little update!! will get the post for my malaysia trip after this. but for now, i've still got days i have yet to blog about!!
this was a little while back when i managed to snatch my bestfriend away from her boyfriend on a friday night! and we had a dinner date at Five & Dime, which wasn't too bad!! sad to say, i lost all the pics with took with my camera :( so i only have the ones from shanice's camera!

this was what i had, kuro kuro beef! its quite nice. and the beef has already been sliced up for you. hahaha and below the beef there's a piece of portobello mushroom. which was good too. and the fries was. yummerz... i love french fries..

and shanice's fish and chips which wasn't to bad either!! her fries were really interesting. it has the same batter as the fish. so we shared our fries because she didn't really like fact that she was eating so much of the batter. hahaha

and because we spent too much time talking, we didn't take anymore pictures. so... here's one bad photo of me and my bestfriend. hahaha

if you wanna try their awesome beef and fries, they're located at 297 River Valley Road S(238338)!
and this was last week, on tuesday! me and my boyfriend celebrated our semi-anniversary. which simple means 6th month. we FINALLY got to try hatched after super long. i've been wanting to eat here since.. last year i think? so we finally got to it. yayers~~~

and a pic to you guys who kept making noise about me and my boyfriend not using out seat belts -_-


my nails which i was damn proud of. it was professional material man

i swear pictures doesn't do it justice at all. its damn bright and shiny in real life.

finally arrived at Hatched and we both ordered Sir Benedict, two eggs! and two extra sides, which was the mushroom and potatoes.

and it was damn freaking yummy. plus me and my bf were famished. after my bf took the first bite, he gave me this face. LOL the "omg.. damn nice" face.

and after our dish we ordered the chocolate lava cake, which was a little bit disappointing. it wasn't hot and the chocolate didn't ooze out at all.

if you asked me if i would go back to hatched again.. YES I WOULD. it was so damn freaking awesome... it kinda reminds me of mac's sausage mc muffin? cus its the same type of bread. but like 10x better. can u imagine how awesome it is? but i honestly wouldn't recommend the deserts. i think the chef is only good with eggs.
if you wanna try Hatched too, here are two places which you can go to!
26 Evans Road #01-06 Evan Lodge
267 Holland Ave S(278989)
be sure to check the opening hours before you go!! cus if i'm not wrong holland's one closes later than the one at newton.

went home and was greeted by my bf's new house monster.

and she says "thanks fur readin dis post dawg"