HI ALL!! so guess whose back? back again. shady's back, tell your friends. but if u guys didn't know where i went. i went for ANOTHER week long holiday to japan. which means i have ALOT TO BLOG ABOUT NOW. SO DONT GIVE UP HOPE ON ME!!! i just have so much to do. please be patient with me :(
so as title says, hong kong day 5-6. which were my last two days there. i'm gonna make it a short and sweet one with tons of photos with little captions. GO!!
so on the 5th day, i went to ocean park, also known as "oceano parko" to my bf. cus he insists that thats ocean park in french. lololol
our really late breakfast at a random dim sum restaurant. which was good.
golden monkey!!! aka sun wu kong. LOL
and this grilled squid that u can smell from like 1km away and think its heavenly, but when u eat it, its like so normal. nice marketing tactic....
LOL i told my boyfriend not to include me in the photo so the fish looks like its under water. but he was being an ass...
the view of hk from the cable car :)
we ran out of ocean park like a bunch of kiasi because if we didn't, we'd be waiting in long ass queues. so being a kiasu actually paid off. because we were able to board a bus really quick. and we went off to central for dinner!! and i lovedddd it.
and day 6! we spent the noon walking around and at night, we went over to the peak!
off to da peaaak~~
we went to the wax museum of course. and fooled around. bwahaha
and my camera died. LOL anti climax much! but i hope you guys have a good laugh!! will be back with posts on events after my hongkong trip then followed by my japan trip.. omg. too many things to blog about!!
till then peeps!! and DONT FORGET! THIS SUNDAY!
limited slots left!! hurry book now!! :D