Monday, January 17, 2011


an extremely fantastic and eventful day i had with my bestest friends in the world. no words can describe how much i treasure Shanice and Emmeline!!!

hahaha this was on friday when we hung out tgt at plaza singapura~ toured around daiso, which was so disappointing. have been wanting to go there for the longest time! but nothing much one lost. pffft~~~ went off to spot lght instead and had a hell load of fun!! plus it wasn't as crowded as daiso. if only spotlight was everything $2 too. that would be my freaking heaven, really. had a ton of fun playing with the things there!!! haha you'll get it once i get my video uploaded ^^

meanwhile, here are a few photos to look at! hehe, i know very few. but this vlog is really.. i think the best i ever compiled!! laughed my brains out. hehehehehe. love you shanice and emme!! and love you too mae!!! too bad you couldn't join us that day. grrrr!

anyhoos~~~ more photos with shanice! will update another time once that slowpoke uploads the photos :) two seperate posts for you guys!

omfg, sometimes when i watch myself. i wonder why am i like this.... LOL
hope you liked the video anyway.... DON'T JUDGE ME!