Monday, January 3, 2011


its 2011, and i'm not going to talk about my countdown.. omg, can't even put to words how horrible it was. and i don't know if i should elaborate on it but for the sake of updating, i'm just going to summarize everything. i had a really really horrible horrible kanasai SHIT night!

i left around 1:AM and tried to be a lame emo kid and take the fucking night rider home. omg.. really.. WHAT THE FUCK. on usual nights it takes about 1 hour for me to reach home. but NO. this time round. it took 2 hours. NEVERMIND 2 hours is still ok. i already crying on the bus like a loser and suddenly, the bus just... b-r-o-k-e d-o-w-n.. wow~ what are the odds. lucky me right!! in my heart i was like " dear lord jesus, please be a little nicer and don't tell me the bus broke down "

wow~~~~~ true enough the bus driver was like " sorry everyone the bus has broken down!!! " so i had to wait for ANOTHER NIGHT RIDER. so i thought things would be a little nicer to me. but no.. when i was about to complete 3/4 of my journey, i saw a train.. I WANTED TO WRATH ON THE SPOT. i mean like.. if i knew there were train services i would've taken it instead of a stupid bus!! omg... urghhhh.... got home @ 3:AM and hung out with my sister's friends who had a really bad new year too.

yea.. that was my new year celebration for you. stupid bus + tears, hello 2011.. hahaha. anyway, the photos are from december when i went to malaysia to visit my family and yesterday (1jan). yea, nothing much. boring. owell..

and just another thought.. i'm contemplating on whether i should stop blogging. since this year is gonna be so crucial for me! yeap.. the year that decides my future~~ hahhaa.

until next time~~~!

my lame lunch. hahaha