I organized a BBQ yesterday as a pre-birthday celebration for myself. And the entire plan was almost ruined when the sky decided to turn all dark and doomsday-ish but thank god it subsided after an hour or so? And guess what... I didn't even take a single photo. LOL! I was too busy picking people up, talking to people and playing my shark game on my iPhone. You guys should seriously go and buy it. It's only 0.99c and it's super fun. I just finished playing it. Kekeke~
So anywayzzz, so sorry I can't get any photos for this post :( boring I knoooo! I think so too but SIGH~ busy bee mee yesterday. Hahaha have a good weekend all! I shall run off and much on some peanut butter oreos + some milk. Omg, my favorite. Hehehe PEACE OUT (a town) *hahaha if you know what that means!*

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