I finally get to catch up with my girlfriends after so long. because we FINALLY found time!! other weekends are rather mundane and.. so predictable. nothing new every week. but this weekend felt better :) catching up and talking about old times. hahaha so many things to talk about. so many things to laugh at. caught a movie at 2am. Shock Labyrinth, i swear to god. please don't watch that movie. its not even scary? JUST KINDA CREEPY. but YOU WON'T UNDERSTAND A SINGLE THING. they tried too hard to mind fuck us, well they did. and we didn't even understand a single thing. and the fact that i paid $14 for it MAKES ME FEEL SO PISSED?? cause we went to watch in 3D. GEY KIANG.... but the trailer made it look like those " SUPER " horror movie. BUT NO... there isn't even a ghost. its just a girl coming back to take revenge on her friends that accidentally killed her when she was younger. and might i add, SHE IS QUITE PRETTY -.- owellz, on a lighter note, saturday well spent! :) have a nice week ahead!!