hello guys! sorry for this extremely delayed post! but i havent had much time for myself recently. haven't even had the time to even switch on my computer!! but since i'm finally free from reading my ebook, and my boyfriend is playing his own computer games, i might as well flip out his laptop and get some work done!!
so, last tuesday we went to sentosa, which we had planned to go for a month or so? cause we bought this groupon deal for a day trip to sentosa which included under water world, dolphin lagoon, the desperados, unlimited sky rides and a trip to the maritime museum for only $40!! super worth it.
and because we took too many pictures at underwater world, i'm gonna put them into two separate posts!
and for the first time i finally dared to touch these guys ontop ^^^ some of them are so slimely... some of them are so rough. walao. each time i touch one of them my hair stands.. and the thought of it just made my hair stand again.. omg.. idk if i liked touching them or not... mixed feelings.
and the tank for bigger stingrays which i didn't dare to touch. their tails are sooooo long... what if i got poked like steve irwin?!
and these thingys which i saw in bangkok too. but this one had a nemo theme. so cute...
and 3 seahorse tails entangled.. lolol
a fish that looks like and arowana with a really broken back
SEA ANGEL.. its so cute and tiny.. hence the blur picture but this is how its supposed to look like in real life!!
its entirely transparent and the red parts are in organs. and those are really its wings and weirdly.. they're classified under snails and lizards -_-
mister kraken~
black clow fishes getting really really cozy in their anemone. sooo cute...
AND THIS SHIT.. OMG... damn freaking disgusting. looks like a freaking big sea cockroach or something. each time i look at it, my hair stands and feels so fuzzy. damn disgusting/ sick/ gross/ yucks yucks yucks...
and a stingray ish thingy that has a mouth that looks like a typical asian face. hahahahah
and of course the great white shark hologram? thingy that has been there for years.
and the one and only candid group pic. LOL
until next time!! sentosa prt. 2! :)