hello all, since its the last day of the year, i've decided to do a post on how my life went within this 365 days. never, NEVER have i had any years as hectic as this. this year has shown me the TRUE TRUE TRUE meaning of sadness. i've never been so close to death in my while 17 years of living except for this year.
at the start of 2011, my life was going completely downhill. and this so called "phase" lasted as long as i could remember. bad break up, thought i caught hold of happiness, false alarm, heart break all over again. i thought confining myself within the four walls of my room would help. but it just got worst. haha i was a giant mess. and i won't go into detail here. cus i bet all you readers would change your impression of me!
so yeap, to cut to the chase. i decided to open up to people i never thought i'd end up with. such as M. hehe, i'm so thankful to god that thought my year started off like shit, its ending pretty nicely with the company of my luvvv~~~
and not forgetting my lovely friends, Shanice Ang, Emmeline Sng and Mae Tan. staying by my side though thick and thin. even though now we're so distant and no longer meet up. i'm pretty sure our bond hasn't really changed that much.. i hope? hahaha but i do miss the days we would be so impulsive and rational with our actions. (hehe i hope you girls know what i mean...) but i sure had a ton of fun and i dearly miss the 3 of you and all the funny and good times we've shared.
i really miss u 3.. i hope we can all set aside one day to catch up again :( love you girls.
so yea... onto the next one! the highlight of my year, my smelly angel. who is currently lying down behind me, ending each sneeze with an "oyea~" hahahaha. i've never had a relationship like this before.. it started off too weird. never even planned to end up like this. hehe, i don't really want to elaborate tho. but whatever it is, i'm glad this happened. and i have absolutely no regrets working so hard to get to where we are now.
muax muax muaxxxxxx.
hehehehehe so what are your plans for the last day of 2011!!! i'm rather pumped up for some kite flying at barrage and to catch the new year fire works! and before i end this post, i've added a button that redirects u to my online store! its just above my blog's display picture!! can't miss it! and collection #2 coming out this wednesday!! don't miss it!
lots of love from yours truly, Erica ♥