GREETINGS. the weekends are here already. and i guess its really no big deal to me since i'm not schooling! but happy friday all! here are some photos on how i spent my last friday night.
my outfit that day. sponsored by WLM! advertorial post here: x
and as you all know, mother's day has just passed. and what did you do for your mom on mother's day? honestly. on mother's day itself, we did nothing! me and my sister planned to act like we forgot mother's day. but my mom told us that she knew we had something planned for her, as she knew we weren't that cruel to totally ignore her on mother's day. haha it was a little spoiled. but she only expected a cake. but what we planned in the end was to prepare for her a scrumptious 3 course meal! and heres our menu :)
if you can't see what it says, its just the appetizer, with a choice of salad or cream of mushroom. followed by the main course which was steak and to top it all off, dessert! vanilla ice cream with strawberry toppings.
preparing our beef~
please excuse our tacky plates and bowls. hahaha
and ze main course. hehe my mom was pretty ecstatic about the whole plan and she couldn't stop telling us how proud she is of us. and was like super enthusiastic every time we served her a new dish. hahahahahaha. i guess all the mess we made was definitely worth our time! she was over the moon :)
the gigantic orchid my dad got for her. (my mom is crazy about flowers) haha the dinner was overall a success! and i'm extremely glad that it went so well. credits to my sister was her great ideas too :)
moving on! to this week advertorials! *sorry to you guys for the delays of your advertorials!*

i shall start off with a little preview of the items from their latest collection!
and my top picks from this collection!
i really liked the two items above. BUT, i decided to pick something i don't normally wear. like to try something new! so i got something else from their older collection!
and i'm really pleased with it! the colour of it, makes it so simple to go with almost any kind of prints! so i paired it with a tribal printed shorts as seen below!
really loving the frayed sleeves. gives it a little more rugged look! looking forward to my chance on wearing this outfit..
so, like them on FACEBOOK now!
don't forget to join their news letter for latest updates and previews of latest collections!
and especially for all my readers, quote ERICA and get 5% off your total bill!
and also, they're doing a give away! more details in the photo below!
just 3 simple steps to get a this tote bag for free!!
i have this bag, and i tell you, its awesome to just throw everything in it! good luck if you're joining the giveaway contest! ^^