since i've got the time right now. 10 more facts about me? hehe

1. i have this ultra weird fear of shaking hands with people.
2. i still hug my baby bolster to sleep every night.
3. i have a whole shelf of fortune cats displayed in my room.
4. the only dish which i can eat repeatedly is the classic fish soup.
5. i don't chew on my sweets. i suck them till it breaks on its own.
6. i used to have 17 piercings.
7. i'm scared to order food from stalls i'm unfamiliar with.
8. if my pillows aren't in a certain position, i'll have difficulty sleeping.
9. i only eat neat and straight forward food.
10. i tend to day dream till i start questioning my conscious if i'm real.
i do realize i have really weird fears and characteristics. hmmm :\
oh and btw, before i forget!
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October since its my birthday month! usual rates are $80! thats 40% off! interested blogshops can email me at: *