hi allllll, i really don't know what to type. but i'm just typing for the sake of it since all blogpost has text right. haha alright, maybe i'll talk about my lame weekend a little? friday was really shitty and boring. was having mood swings and all that shit. saturday wasn't that bad, FINALLY got to watch harry potter. and it wasn't even that nice plsssss. pfft.
went over to pan pacific for siobby's birthday! ;) happy 16 angmoh!!! finally sia. hahahaha! the night was alright. not too boring, not too happening. had a very very expensive supper at hongkong cafe with da group at 3:00am and went back to the hotel to wait for sunrise so we could go for a swim. but apparently we failed miserably. we went in at 6:30am, we were all dry by 7:30am hahaha. the water was too freaking cold? and the swimming pool was boring. and if you've been following me on twitter since last year, yes, i have this stupid skin condition when i get too cold, i would get rashes. and sad enough, chlorine like makes things worst. like once i touch chlorine, i would get instant rashes. and the only cure is warmth/ warm water.
and what bothers me is that i wasn't born with this rashes nonsense. it just happened to me OUT OF THE BLUE when i was in thailand last year. and i havent found anyway to get rid of it. its really a freaking burden and i can't imagine how itchy i'll be when i go to hongkong!! justhope my clothes would keep me warm enough :(
hahahah fai looks like a freaking mat here.
it looks like he's wearing grey contact.

peace out babies, xx
oh and by the way, i'm selling my acne atacoma inspired shoes aka my iron shoes.
perfect condition, size 36
comment if interested