Hi all!! if you follow me on twitter, you should know that i've quit my job.. LOL ikr. i worked for 7 days. but nope, nothing wrong with the shop or the boss or the people working there. but idk.. the working hours were too long for me. yeaaap.. which means more updates on my blog! sorry for the long MIA, i was really too busy :\ yea, and i don't really intend to burn off my holidays just like that! so yeap! no working for me. hahah but i DID apply for a part time job @ Ben& Jerry's. wahahah. wish me luck! so here are the photos from work accumulated.

The night i quit my job.. LOL i stayed up just to prove that i was jobless and freee!!
lame i know.. haha but 3am fish nuggets with tuna!! yum yum yum

Yesterday night when i brought my parents to try out the butter porkies!
yum yum yum, ok i admit it. i like it. HAHAHA. its really nice lor
but cannot eat too much. if not you will worrmit.

lame i know.. haha but 3am fish nuggets with tuna!! yum yum yum
yum yum yum, ok i admit it. i like it. HAHAHA. its really nice lor
but cannot eat too much. if not you will worrmit.