so as requested on my formspring, some people are really curious as to how i met Shanice, Mae and Emmeline! and how we ended up hanging out together as a group. so.... i'll do it slowly aite? one by one, who came first. and how it all ended up together!
the first one i met in the group was Mae Tan! we fall way back in 2006! and the story is pretty funny actually! i met her through my first boyfriend. she was his little sister! and here's the best part, we used to be sworn enemies. because y'know, we were young. and i admit, i was extremely lame. like i felt she was copying me? HAHAHA omg. i'm sure everyone goes through that phase right? ... no?? its just me? LOL. hahahahaha but a few years later, we came to good terms!

and the second one who came into my life, Emmeline Sng. hmmmm, if i'm not wrong, we met in 2009 when we ended up hanging out in the same group. and that group so happened to be full of couples and it was just down to me and her. so we ended up talking and surprisingly, we clicked very very well as we were going through the exact same thing at that time. and we spent most of our 2009 together. all my underage clubbing was all accompanied by this girl. and soon we upgraded to illegally clubbing at legal aged parties. hahaha. we went to every party there was. including house parties. haha omg, good times!

and the last one, Shanice. i met her in 2009. the same time as Emmeline. but we first spoke at macdonals, center point. HAHAHAH, i still remember what i wore that day. and i still have our first photo together. but its HORRIBLE i tell you. HORRIBLE. we spoke as hi-bye friends. never really had full conversations. and the funny thing was that she was my girl eye-candy, i swear. so in 2010, when she was down and was tweeting about her sadness. i took my chance and went in for the kill. i sent her a cheer up text. and b00m. that was when we started to have more and more conversations. and our ex-boyfriends were hanging out in the same group. and i saw her weekly and we got closer and closer. after awhile, we kinda realized we were too similar to handle. we deduced that we were mother fuckin' soul mates. hahahahha *cheezy much*. but yea, thats when we became best friends.

and finally, how we all actually came together! on my birthday when i invited 3 of them to my BBQ. we all clicked really well. and thats how we all hit it off together and started to go out as a group. and kinda grew "up" together. like now when i look through old photos, we all changed quite abit. like dressing sense, hair styles, weight. so many.
and how the name FANATIC4 actually came about... ermmmm, i came up with it last year when the word "fanatic" was commonly used among us. and whatever we did together was always with enthusiasm. which explains why we're like.. the fanatic4. but it was quite a mouthful to say. so we just shortened it to FAN4. we didn't intend for it to be a group name kinda thing. but it just did and yea, whatever. hahaha judge us. but yea, i think its quite catchy anyway. HAHAHA
i'd honestly wouldn't ask for any other group in this world because they understand me most and i'm pretty sure all of them know me at the back of their palm. hahaha as cheezy as this post can get, i kinda like this post alot. its like a mini story kinda thing? but yea. i guess if i didn't have them in my life, i'd be more miserable than i already am.