this was how my saturday went. waited at home for the girls to come over at 8pm and shopped for groceries together, a light dinner and then baking at my house! we've been wanting to do this for quite awhile now! and i wanted to try out my new oven! so yeap. we planned to do cupcakes! but they kinda failed? cause they didn't taste that great :( but at least we tried! next time we will be trying other flavours! plan to try lemon flavour. sounds good doesn't it!
when we started baking, we were rather disorientated AS USUAL.. and we were short of so many things?! like milk and the most impt ingredient.. which i mentioned in the vlog! hahaha how donk could we get... and by the time we were half way done. it was like.. 11pm? and we had NOT ENOUGH MILK.... and all the shops were already closed by then!! so guess what we did. we borrowed milk from my neighbour. HAHAHAHAHA HOW EMBARRASSING. and i'm not exactly close to them since i just moved in :S but wtv. hahah thank you kind neighbour! without you our cupcakes would've been so fucked up.
after all the trouble we went thru to get milk, our mix was still super fucked up. like it was too watery?! hahah we had to add more peanut butter and sugar and flour!!! but it didn't really save the taste of the cupcakes. they were rather tasteless in the end and we had to add tons of mini oreos in them to add a little more taste in them!! haha at least we learnt our lesson!! but you guys wouldn't believe how long we took to bake like 5 trays of cupcakes... just make a guess seriously!! we baked for 4 freaking hours..... sialllllllllllll, bakin' up a storm in my kitchen! hahahahhahahaha

a light dinner before heading home to bake!
all prepared!! but do you realize something missing?? like the most impt thing?
hint: we're baking peanut butter cupcakes
the brown sugar that looked like sand
almost done!!!
here we gooo~~~
and cupcakes that looked so freaking perfect until i thought i wanted to try making them look better by baking them one more time to make it pop out like the other but guess what smart lim did to the cupcakes?
yea, this happened.... lol smartlim123456789
become biscuit
spot the ghost