So heres a better photo of my perm + coloured hair.
but the photo doesn't really do much justice to it since my hair's brown is like.. REALLY REALLY bright!! i think the photos at the bottom are more accurate!

for the first time in my life i actually think i look like my mom. which scared the shit out of me. LOL kinda creepy to look exactly like someone...


my one and only camwhore photo of myself.
only because my skin looks so damn good here. HAHAHA
Well, my days haven't been as great as i wanted them to be. sighh, boring weekend too. all i did was go to lasalle to watch my sister's dance performance, had good pizza and zoomed off to meet my boyfriend. and this was my friday. LOL and saturday was just as bad! stay home and whole day and played xbox with my boyfriend modifying and creating cars on need4speed... which wasn't that bad! quite fun actually. haha we made an iron man car. after that we headed to town planning to catch a movie, hopefully paranormal activity. but not everyone wanted to watch. so.. they agreed on something else which i didn't want to watch. so i came home. haha, home girl much. owellz.. not staying out too late = save more $$ ! shall not blog about the parts which spoilt my mood x10000. but owellz~~~ yea... another eventless week again. wonder how things are gonna go.
goodnight alligators.